
合理的安排是学术上的修改、调整和辅助 这是为了减轻残疾的影响,创造一个公平的比赛 field for a student with disabilities. Accommodations are not intended to weaken the learning outcomes or fundamentally alter the essential functions of a program. 因此, 如果你和你的部门认为其中一个列出的住宿 会从根本上改变基本功能,请与 the OSD so we can discuss the concern.

如果你对如何允许或管理这些住宿有任何疑问, 请联系与您的学生一起工作的OSD顾问(姓名和电话分机) provided on the Accommodation Letter). 你可能也想去参观一下 OSD学院资源网站.


Extended testing time (time and a half or double time) -学生在考试、小测验和任何定时作业上都有额外的时间 designed to be taken in one class meeting. The extended time is based on the time students without disabilities are provided. For example, if the rest of the class 有一个小时的考试时间,一个有一个半小时的学生有资格吗 90分钟. 注意: 这种住宿方式是不满意的,调整时间以整个班级为基础 on the time approved for a student with disabilities. 例如,如果您提供 整堂课用了一个半小时,残疾学生必须提供 additional time on top of this adjusted time.

替代格式的测试 – 学生 are allowed to take exams in a format different than what the faculty 设计员. This may include utilizing an electronic version of the exam for 学生可以使用屏幕阅读器或获得放大版的考试. Additional information about alternate format materials is below.

Distraction-reduced testing (in OSD room in Testing Center) -允许学生在单独的考场参加考试 center. 学生 are responsible for reserving the exam room in advance. 房间都 reserved on a first-come, first serve basis. 学生 are encouraged to reserve their rooms as soon as they are aware of the exam date.

在校园测试中心进行测试 – 学生 are approved to take their exams in the on-campus testing center. 学生 不能以歧视的方式要求残疾人参加考试. 如果所有学生都在校园内参加考试,残疾学生可以被要求参加考试 在考试期间在校园内参加考试(提供合理的、经批准的住宿) Center. If, however, all students take the test on line, students with disabilities must be permitted to do this as well, with reasonable accommodations. 画布上测试 can be adjusted to allow the extended time.

如果在住宿信上列出了测试住宿,请协调 with your student and/or the Testing Center regarding necessary arrangements.

如果课程是在线的和/或在线测验和考试,请联系 Canvas support to adjust testing times.



学院数学系和残疾学生办公室 (OSD)考虑使用a four-function 计算器为有残疾证明的学生提供合理的便利 数学领域. For clarification, please contact the OSD.



辅助艾滋病 may include but are not limited to:

Captionist and/or Sign Language Interpreter -为符合条件的学生提供一名服务提供者,该服务提供者提供两种服务之一 services: Sign Language Interpretation or Caption services. 手语翻译 口译口语(1.e. live/ zoom lectures) into Sign Language. Captionists provide real-time captioning of lectures/ zoom meetings. 翻译和字幕 services are both provided by the OSD (to qualified students). 民政事务总署职员预先安排 interpreters/ captionists for regularly scheduled classes. 符合条件的学生可以 请求 supplemental interpreter services here .


记录员 -为符合条件的学生提供现场/视频材料的笔记服务. The OSD has shifted to utilizing Notetaking Express for notetaking services. 通过 笔记快捷,学生可以上传课堂讲课录音/视频和专业 notetakers will create notes for students within 48 hours. 欲知更多有关 Notetaking Express, please visit their website www.ntehub.com


读者和/或抄写员 -为合格的学生提供现场助理,大声朗读材料 (阅读者)或由不会写信息的学生口头记录信息 自己,由于残疾. This service is primarily provided for exams. 读者 and scribes are provided by the OSD.


服务的动物 – 符合条件的学生可以 bring their service animal to campus. 服务性动物 被定义为被训练或正在训练的动物(狗或迷你马) 为残障人士(包括身体残障人士)工作或执行任务; sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. 服务型动物是 允许(与他们的负责人一起)在学院的所有公共区域,但有豁免 of the areas listed in the College’s official  policy on Animals on Campus found here



备选格式可以采用数字文件的形式,将其格式化以供阅读 通过屏幕阅读器或屏幕放大观看,大字印刷,触觉材料, 或可下载的有声书,如Learning Ally,前身是the Recordings 盲人和诵读困难(RFB)&D). If the student is eligible and 请求s alternate 格式材料,我们将采购或制作有效的替代格式 accommodation for that particular student. Please note that as alternate format production 是一个复杂、耗时的过程,我们有20-30个工作日的周转时间吗. 如果学生在上课前没有拿到他/她的材料,这是最糟糕的 often because the 请求 was not made with enough lead time. 那样的话,我们会的 能否尽快提供我们可能需要提供的资料 installments according to dates listed on your syllabus. 需要转换的文件 to alternate formats may include (but are not limited to):


Copies of lecture materials and classroom handouts and syllabi - Alternate format production is a time-consuming process. 因此,需要的文件 转换应尽早提交OSD(最少5个业务) 天).


视觉元素 —触觉图形是可以通过触觉访问的凸起图形. 在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网,我们使用Adobe Illustrator和PIAF(图片在一个Flash)来产生触觉 图形. We create the graphic using Illustrator and then print the graphic onto PIAF热敏胶囊纸. We then feed the PIAF paper through the PIAF machine, a heat and light source that raise the 图形. 如果学生要求,我们会的 generate tactile versions of 图形 in the materials you assign.


教科书 -学生有责任尽早申请其他格式的书籍 to avoid a delay at the beginning of the semester. 符合条件的学生可以 请求 alternate format textbooks here



辅助设备用于提供进入教室环境的额外通道. Assistive equipment may include but is not limited to:

  • 助听装置(辅助听力或听觉处理的扩音装置)
  • 卷帆索
  • CCTV (device that enlarges documents placed on its tray)
  • 磁带录音机
  • Trackball and/or accessible keyboard
  • Wheelchair desk and/or accessible chair


学生 may have their own assistive equipment or may borrow items from the OSD. OSD试图与学生,教师和校园服务合作,以确保设备 is in the classroom as early as possible to avoid disruption. 如果你相信 如果您的学生需要辅助设备,请与您的校园OSD联系 办公室.




Assistive Technology software helps students gain access to digital material. 学生 谁使用替代格式的材料,经常使用辅助技术软件 阅读他们的课程文本. 辅助技术软件 may include but is not limited to:


大白鲨 is typically used by students who are blind with little or no functional vision. 大白鲨 为用户提供了许多偏好,但由于其用户是盲人,因此没有纳入 放大或颜色偏好. The college has a network 大白鲨 license. 学生 may also bring his/her own laptop with 大白鲨 installed. 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网的所有成员 community are eligible for an annual license to use 大白鲨. 你可以 在这里访问您的大白鲨许可


魔法 - 魔法通常是由法律上失明的学生使用,功能有限 视力(低视力). Although 魔法 is primarily 屏幕 magnification software, it 结合一个语音引擎,如果启用,读取什么是显示在计算机上 屏幕. The college has a network 魔法 license.


库兹韦尔3000 通常是由有学习障碍的学生使用,但也经常被要求使用 由视力低下的学生. Because 库兹韦尔3000 is designed for individuals 对于学习障碍,它结合了语言学习和学习技巧工具 such as highlighting, bookmarks, dictionary, pronunciation, spell-check, etc.. 库兹韦尔 3000 is accepted in many states as a testing accommodation. 它的许多功能都可以 be disabled and password-protected for secure testing.


ClaroRead, like 大白鲨, 魔法, and 库兹韦尔 can read electronic text out loud. 此外,它 can magnify information on the user’s 屏幕. The college provides all students who 有资格获得其他格式的材料与副本ClaroRead访问电子 文本材料.


如果您对替代格式材料、辅助设备或辅助材料有疑问 技术软件,请联系斯蒂文科斯塔,学院的辅助技术 专家,在 scosta3@britanniacoin.netRachel Schwitters在 rschwitters@britanniacoin.net.